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Game Pigeon Filler Tips

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GamePigeon is a cool app that allows you to enjoy a collection of excellent two-player games on iMessage with your friends and family. It contains games such as 8-Ball, Poker, Gomoku, Sea Battle, and Anagrams.

Have fun with your friends by playing a collection of excellent two-player games! GamePigeon is an iMessage extension which features following games: 8-Ball Poker Sea Battle Anagrams Gomoku More games are coming very soon! Contact twitter presskit. Doves and pigeons are dark meat birds with very little fat on them. You can use small ducks such as teal with these recipes, but they will often have a layer of fat that a pigeon or dove will not. Ptarmigans, snipe and rails are excellent alternatives, though. If you hunt your own doves and pigeons, I urge you to consider plucking them.

If you can't download GamePigeon for some reason or you have downloaded it and it just doesn't work, I will help you fix the problem in this article. I have categorized the possible problems you may experience with this iMessage game and provided solutions to fix them.

Read Also:How to play GamePigeon on Mac

How to fix GamePigeon invite errors

If a white screen pops up when you are opening a game invite, then you need to restart your iPhone or update your iOS version. To do this follow the steps below:

To restart your iPhone, simply press and hold the Sleep/Wake and the Volume Down button concurrently. Wait for about 10 seconds for the iPhone's screen to turn off. Once it is off, hold those buttons again to turn it on. Have the game invite resent again and check whether it works.

To update to the latest version of iOS, connect your iPhone to a power source and make sure it is connected to the internet via Wi-Fi too. Go to Settings > General > Software Update. Select the update and tap Download and Install. Once the new version is installed, reinstall GamePigeon on your iMessage. Remember that this game only works on iOS 7 and above.

What to do when Game pigeon doesn't install

If GamePigeon doesn't install on your iPhone, then you need to restart your device. Once you restart, simply visit the iMessage app store and download the app again. If it doesn't install after a restart, then you should update to the latest version of iOS. Follow this guide if you cannot download GamePigeon.

I downloaded the app but can't play games

If you have downloaded Game Pigeon and you can't access or play games, simply follow these steps. Open any message thread on iMessage and at the bottom left, tap the 4 dots. Once you do this, you should see the game. Select your game of choice and an invite will be sent to your friend.

Game Pigeon Filler Tips 1x2

If you cannot play due to problems with the invite, refer to the above section with solutions to invite errors.

Another common error is when Game Pigeon doesn't show on iMessage. To fix this, simply open iMessage, tap the 4 dots, hold the GamePigeon icon until it jiggles and then tap the x that appears to remove it. Once you have removed it, you can re-install the app again.

How to start a game on GamePigeon

Top play games on GamePigeon you have to install the app on your iMessage first. Simply follow the steps outlined below to install this app and play games right from it.

  • Open any message thread on iMessage
  • Tap the AppStore icon on the iMessage app drawer at the bottom
  • Tap on the 4 dots on the bottom left of the screen
  • Tap Store and search for GamePigeon
  • Select the game and tap install
  • Once installed, Open a message thread
  • Tap the AppStore icon at the bottom
  • Choose your preferred game and tap Start

You will get a notification when the recipient joins the game. Ensure that your iPhone is operating on iOS 7.1.2 and above for the game to work. If you cannot see the app on your iMessage App Store, this is an indication that your device doesn't support the game.

Follow the wind towards the big city and fly between the city skyscrapers and large buildings, see the city from up high in the air and have fun with City Bird Pigeon Simulator 3D!Improve your skills of flying like a real pigeon, earn points, buy power-ups and level up your pigeon's abilities! Maintain health, hunger and energy rate to set up a flock of pigeons! City bird pigeon simulator 3d download.

Read Also:How to delete game data from iOS

How to delete GamePigeon

Follow these steps to delete GamePigeon from the old iOS versions:

  • Open iMessage and tap on any message thread
  • Tap the AppStore icon at the bottom of the screen
  • Tap the 4 dots that appear on the bottom left
  • Hold on to its app icon until it jiggles
  • Tap x and it will be deleted

To delete GamePigeon from the newest versions of iOS, follow these steps:

  • Open iMessage
  • Tap the AppStore icon
  • Swipe left the apps that appear at the bottom until you see 3 dots
  • Find GamePigeon on the page that appears
  • Swipe it left to delete

If you are enjoying this game, then you might also like Akinator, which is a genie guessing game. Make sure to leave a message here if you encounter further problems with the app.

Read Also:How to play a game on iMessage for iPhone


*Riddles and Brain Teasers*

It is great to have an assortment of riddles, word or number problems, and brain teasers on hand that you can give to the class. You can use these during snack time to keep everyone quietly seated, during small breaks during the day, and even at the end of the day to wind down. You can also write some on the board (more difficult ones) at the beginning of the day, and let the students know that they can think about them throughout the day, and the first to come up with the correct answer will get a prize.


This is great game to purchase so that you can use the cards for a game in class. You can also make your own homemade Pictionary cards. Split the class into teams (boys vs. girls, one side of the class vs. the other) and have them compete in a game, using the chalk board to draw on. Rewards and prizes can be used. This can get noisy to make the appropriate noise level very clear before beginning.

*Draw a Picture On The Board*

Draw a simple picture on the board (a square, a circile, a straight line). Tell students to come up one at a time and add something small to the picture to make it into a different object (ex. add a roof to a square to make a house). Each student coming up should add something different to make it into a completely different object (ex. to the house, someone could add a line at the bottom to make it into a spinning top).

*Extra Work Sheets*

The answer depends on how long you intend to play and how trigger-happy you are. A reasonable range might be $40–$80 for a full day's worth of field access, equipment, and paintballs (though you can often find discounted paintball deals on Groupon). The biggest variable is ammo: you might use anywhere from 250 to 1,000 paintballs in a visit. To take a screenshot with your Mac, Command + Shift + 3 and then release all keys to captuer the whole screen, or press Command + Shift + 4 and press down and drag the mouse over the area you. Game Pigeon Plus! It's wayyyyy overpriced. You have to pay $3 for custom skins, accessories, and ad free play? That's a bit much considering the look of your props and avatar don't matter to the game. And (most of the time) the ads don't pop up in the middle of the game, they pop up when you're waiting for the opponent. You can engage your friend to play 8 Ball pool or have fun taking shots in Paintball. To play any of the Game Pigeon games, you'll need to select Game Pigeon from the iMessage app list. Pick the game you prefer to play and enjoy. Among the games present in Game Pigeon are Basketball, Sea Battle Chess, Dots and Boxes and more.

Have puzzles, colouring sheets, word searches, cross words and find the hidden picture sheets available for students to do when they finish their assigned work.

*Check For Computer Lab Time*

The computer lab is usually booked solid throught the week as each class will have its own designated times. If you have a period that you don't know what to do with, you could check to see if the regularly scheduled class will indeed be using their scheduled computer time. Just because a class is scheduled, doesn't mean they will always use that time. Often teachers will have something else they are in the middle of, and will not take advantage of their computer time every week. You can always ask!

*Create a Scavenger Hunt*

Take a few minutes during recess or prep time to create a scavenger hunt that students can do around the classroom, our outside of the school if the weather is nice. These are always a big hit and can be very easy to create. They can contain instructions like 'Find the word 'scruples' in the dictionary and write down its' meaning', or 'Find an article of clothing or a play thing left by someone on the playground'.


There are great classroom friendly BINGO sets you can buy out there, but you can also very easily make your own versatile BINGO sheets to carry around. They should be blank BINGO cards that can be filled in by the student. Chose math equations or vocabulary words. For French or Spanish, have a list of words and their English translation on a sheet of paper and have them pick and choose which words to fill in each box with. They can use their pencils to mark the corner of the boxes if there are not any options for BINGO chips nearby.


*Higher or Lower*

A great and easy game that involves math, and works best with late primary and junior grade levels. Tell the class you are going to think of a number between 1 and 100, and their job is the figure out what that number is. They take turns guessing numbers, and you tell them whether your number is higher or lower than the number they guess. You keep going until they have figured out the number. Tell them the goal is to see if they can get the number in under 6 (or pick an appropriate number) of guesses. If using a classroom management strategy that involves points, you can also use this opportunity to give them points if they can figure out the number in under a certain amount of guessing.

*Show and Tell*

For the younger grades, this is always a hit. Chose a few students to go up and share a story with the class, or show off something they are wearing or brought with them that day. They really enjoy this, and it can be pretty amusing at times!

*Always Have BOOKS!*

For the primary grades, bringing a selection of books with you is a must! Usually classrooms have a selection of books in them already, but it may be hard to find something they haven't read yet as a class, especially if it close to the end of the year. By bringing 3 or 4 of your own books, you can usually be certain that you'll have something new to read to them. Reading is a book is a great time filler, the kids love it, and it is educational!

*I Am Going On a Picnic..*

You tell the class that you are going on a picnic and you are bringing a.. (chose something that begins with the first letter of your name, but don't tell them this is what you are doing. For example, someone named Sarah might bring Sandwiches). Tell the class that you would like them to come on the picnic, but they can only come if they bring the right thing. Let them ask if they can bring this and that, and tell them that there is a secret trick/pattern to the game that they need to figure out. For example, if Freddy asks if he can come and bring Oranges, you say 'Sorry, but no'. However, if Jennifer asks if she can bring Jellybeans, you would say 'Why yes you can come and bring Jellybeans, Jennifer'. Keep going in this manor until someone many people are coming on the picnic, and people are starting to figure it out. You can switch up the game by then making it so that people can bring things in alphabetical order, or only things in one particular food group, etc.

*Bang, Bang, Bang..Who Is Dead?*

A game with a trick to it that the students need to figure out. The teacher says 'bang bang bang..who's dead?' and the students guess each time who the teacher killed. The trick is that it is the first person who talks following the bang bang bang that is dead each time, but it takes a while for the students to pick up on this. Keep playing and letting students guess until someone figures out the trick.

*Play Favourite Classroom Games*

Play Heads up Seven up, Duck Duck Goose, or other games that the class enjoys playing to fill in extra time. If it something that the class already knows and enjoys, they are likely to participate fully and have fun without getting disruptive.

*Who Is Missing?*

One student is 'it' and they must hide their eyes of leave the room. The class silently then picks another student to hide, somewhere out of view. When that student has hidden, the person who is 'it' has to look around the room and figure out who is missing. This game works best when the class is sitting on a carpet, or when people are allowed to switch seats. That way, the person who is 'it' can't just look at the empty desk to see who is missing.

*Super Silent Seat Ball*

Students beg to play this game! Students all sit on their desks and they gently toss a soft ball around the classroom. If someone talks, they are out and must sit down in their chairs. If someone misses the ball or makes a bad toss, they are also out and must sit down.

*Math Flash Card Competition*

You can buy flashcards with math equations on them, or you can make your own using cue cards. Use the cards to quiz the students and give them points. You can split them into teams and have one student from each team attempt to answer the question before the other team for a point. Or, you can have the whole class get into a line. When they get to the front of the line they have to answer a question, and then go to the back of the line. Time how long it takes to get through the whole pack or cards, and then try to beat the time.

*Write a Letter To Their Teacher*

This works especially well if the teacher is ill. Have the students write their regular homeroom teacher a letter about how they miss them, and what they have been up to today or since they have been gone. They really enjoy doing this!


*Trivia Game*

Brain Quest(R)makes some amazing trivia card decks for different grade levels and different subjects. The Canadian Trivia deck is a favourite. If there is extra time to fill, divide the class into teams and have them compete against each other to answer trivia questions. Record points. Often, the game is enough fun for the them, but prizes and rewards can be used.

*Interesting Facts About Yourself..*

The Tomb, an Egyptian escape room adventure in Pigeon Forge, allows your team of archaeologists to venture deep into an ancient Egyptian tomb for 45 minutes of excitement. Guests find themselves trapped by the spirit of an ancient Pharaoh that presents ingenious challenges that must be completed for any chance of making it out alive. The tomb escape game pigeon forge tn.

A fun game to play with late junior and intermediate grade levels. Give each student a piece of paper and tell them to write down something about themselves that most people may not know. Tell them it needs to be appropriate for the classroom, of course. Take the pieces of paper and put them all into a bin. Have students get out a pencil and a blank piece of paper. Tell them that you will read the stories one by one, without divulging the names, they are to write down who they think wrote each one. Compare what the class thought to the actual answers for each one at the end. This can be lots of fun, but it really depends on the class. If the class is very challenging and one that tends to get inappropriate, it may not be the best option for them.

*Paper Airplane Competition*

This game is good if the class has a lot of energy, and so do you! Have the students get into pairs and make a paper airplane. Once they are finished, have them line up. Each group has to answer a question (math, trivia, anything), and if they answer it correctly, they get to fly their plane. Give them points depending on how fair it goes.

*Taboo! With a Twist*

Game Pigeon Filler Tricks

Split the class into two teams. Have one member from each team come up to the board and face out towards the classroom. Then, draw a different picture behind each of them on the board behind them. Then, when you say 'Go!', each team has to try and explain to their team mate what is on the board without using the actual word. For example, if the drawing is a flower, you might say things like 'It grows in the ground. It smells pretty. People give them to others on special occasions'. This game can be made easy or more difficult.


Game Pigeon Filler Tips Sheet

*Two Truths and a Lie*


Students each come up with two interesting truths about themselves, and a believable lie. One student at a time tells all three stories, and the other students try and guess which one was the lie. Students can vote on which one they believe to be the lie using a show of hands. Remind students that the stories must be classroom appropriate. Can be used just for fun, or points can be given. Each student gives themselves a point each time they guess the right story to be the lie.

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