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How Do You Play Paintball On Game Pigeon

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Paintball is a game normally setting 2 teams against each other in a match to eliminate the other team by shooting them with paintballs. There are many different variations including capture the flag, defend the fort, etc.

Getting hit by a paintball feels very close to the same thing as a solid bee sting. But it goes away pretty quickly and you are ready to keep going! We also have a low impact gun that hurts even less! It is perfect if you are afraid of getting hit too hard.

Yes, paintball is actually proven statistically safer than bowling! (Look it up HERE) All our guns shoot below 280fps. (That is feet per second in case you were wondering) That is the speed of the paintball leaving the barrel so you aren't even getting hit at that speed! You may leave with a couple of welts but they will go away usually within a few hours, and they make great war stories!

Young Ball players are essential to the growth, cultural acceptance and eventual Olympic Game Status of Paintball. Convincing your parents to be active sponsors. The answer depends on how long you intend to play and how trigger-happy you are. A reasonable range might be $40–$80 for a full day's worth of field access, equipment, and paintballs (though you can often find discounted paintball deals on Groupon). The biggest variable is ammo: you might use anywhere from 250 to 1,000 paintballs in a visit. We offers a wide variety of fields to play paintball on, ranging from large wooded courses to a hybrid speedball field. Totaling 4 fields, there is always a different experience to be had! We accept reservations 7 days a week! Check out Open Play on Saturdays and join in with other groups!

We suggest you wear long pants, closed toe shoes, and normally a long sleeve shirt. (If you feel like being 'THAT GUY' we won't stop you from wearing shorts and a t-shirt) We supply your mask, which is the most important piece of equipment! We have coveralls and jackets available in the store as well! Just in case you forgot to bring some clothes to play in.

Yes, we are a Field Paint ONLY location and all the paintballs we use will come right out your clothing! (Don't worry mom we gotcha covered!)

Our observation has been that the youngest age would be 10 years old. Normally we will not allow younger kids play and it is at our discretion if they are allowed to play.

We get this question a lot. From our best estimates you can play 2-3 games on 200 paintballs. We do have more available to purchase if you would like to buy more because after 2-3 games… You are just getting started!

Yes for those who are choosing to not participate, (You are missing out!) there is plenty of space outside the netting of the fields where you can watch the gaming take place. We also have picnic tables to take a seat and take in the paintball atmosphere!

We will play in the rain, snow, heat, cold, wind, cloudy, and sunny. We WILL NOT play if there is lightning or thunder in our vicinity. We take safety seriously and will not put you or ourselves in that danger!

We are open Saturday 12-3 for open play meaning you can show up and jump in with a bunch of other players! We are also open any day during the week for reservations (Including Saturdays). If you have a group of 6 or more give us a call!


12240 Chapman Hwy, Seymour, Tennessee 37865, United States

Just like with any sport, there comes a time in a parent's life where their wide-eyed daughter or son looks from the game they're watching live or on television and then directly back at you—piercing your soul and begging the question: Are they old enough for that?

How Do I Play Paintball On Game Pigeon

Paintball is no different. However, it really seems to be different than just any sport out there. For one, there are paintball guns.

Depending on where you're living and where your child is growing up, you might be in a country where they have an age-restriction requirement—usually meaning that players have to be at least 18 years old. Other countries are a little bit more relaxed, allowing any age to play and leaving it up to the parent's discretion to allow them to play or not.

How It Works

What is the factor at play here? Especially if you're thinking about signing your kid up for paintball, you might be wondering, 'How old do you have to be to play paintball?'and

'What dictates an age restriction and who determines the rules?'

In most cases, most local fields only allow players old enough to be covered by insurance on the field. For example, in the U.S., the paintball age minimum is usually around 10-12 years old.

In some other cases, even if your child is 'allowed' to play, you play a hand as his or her parent in determining if they are ready to play paintball. The key to realize here is that paintball can be a rough sport. Not only can you get hit by the paintball in places where it's not exactly the most comfortable, as a player, you will be tumbling, sliding, falling, and jumping over obstacles—it's extremely physical and physically daunting.

How Old Do You Have to be to Paintball?

Bottom line is: if you want to know, just ask. The age requirement can change with from state-to-state, from country-to-country, and even from field-to-field.

How Do You Play Game Pigeon Paintball

Normally, it is recommended for the child to be at least 12 years old to play because psychologically speaking, that's generally when a child is old enough to have the maturity to understand safety rules, the risks involved, and tactics that might be in play.

Safety Tips for Beginners and Parents

Especially since there are so many dangerous scenarios in paintball with weapons (however 'docile' they may be), there are many rules and guidelines in place so that players can play safely, no matter what age they are.

Regardless if you are a beginner or a seasoned veteran, there are rules to follow and they can also change from facility to facility, game to game, and even dependent on your age.

For the safety of yourself and of others, make sure you:

How To Play Paintball On Game Pigeon

  • Wear your protective mask at all times
  • Never remove your goggles when you're out on the field—even if you're already out
  • Wear gear that not only fits you properly, but is also made specifically for paintball
  • Always be aware of other players and mindful of their level of playing—be respectful
  • Never bite more than you can chew. If you don't know how to use a gun—say something and familiarize yourself beforehand

Finally, when in doubt, there's no shame to ask—especially if it's for the safety of your kid—'how old do you have to be to go paintballing?'. This can not only help your child stay safe and make sure they're in the limits of the game but also will keep other players safe too (let's just say your kid doesn't know how to use their gun yet!)

Tips For First-Time Players

1. First And Foremost, Recognize That Paintball Is A Contact Sport

This can be easily seen by the entire concept and goal of paintball, which is to physically strike opponents and meet your target.

2. Recognize that you are going to get hit by a paintball—and it will hurt

Depending on the distance between you and the player who shot you, the sting of a paintball can be pretty breathtaking (and not in a good way). Experienced players tend to downplay the pain or talk about getting hit by a paintball in a relaxed way but if you've never been hit before, you might be taken aback by it. The shot will feel like the sensation you get when a large rubber band is snapped on your skin. The paintball will most likely leave a mark, even causing a welt on some sensitive skin.

3. Recognize the threat but don't fear it

Sometimes it's best to just get hit once—just to know what it feels like. The pain is usually much less than you would expect it to be, which means that it's usually the fear leading up to the first shot that will make the experience much worse. You might be left with a small bruise but the pain of it will be masked by the adrenaline of a game.

4. Go Out And Play!

Even though it might tempting just to see if you can be the last man or woman standing—hiding the entire time is not going to make you any better. Take risks and take shots, and only then will you know how good you are.

5. Follow The Safety Rules!

We cannot stress that enough. They are set in place to keep you and others safe. The game of paintball can quickly become painful and serious if you don't abide by the rules. Not only can you be left with a life-altering injury (think of a paintball to the eye), you can also be punished—being ban from the game or facility—if the rules aren't followed.

6. You're Going To Fall Down: Embrace It


Face it, you're not signing up for bowling or billiards. Paintball is a physical game filled with not only other people shooting at you but bunkers, obstacles, and hundreds of things around the course for you to trip over. If you're a parent and wondering if paintball is a sport for your child, make sure they're okay with contact sports and the possibility of falling down. If they can't handle it—it's better to wait a little while before you sign them up.

We hope that this has helped you with a few questions you may have had related to age-limit requirements when it comes to playing paintball. Remember, at the end of the day, always follow the safety rules (for your own and others' safety) and have fun!

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