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Is Plato And Game Pigeon The Same Thing

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Okay, this is basically the same thing as number 6 but what's even better is you can play all the games you want non-stop and you don't even need to feel guilty about it. You can do all sorts of things, from increasing your ranks or levels in online games and playing role-playing iconic characters in video games, to spending all your time.

Is Plato And Game Pigeon The Same Thing At A

'Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand.'
— Chinese Proverb


From Plato's Phaedrus, commenting on the invention of writing.

Here, O king, is a branch of learning that will make the people of Egypt wiser and improve their memories. My discovery provides a recipe for memory and wisdom. But the king answered and said ‘O man full of arts, the god-man Toth, to one it is given to create the things of art, and to another to judge what measure of harm and of profit they have for those that shall employ them.'

The people who invent something new, create a new tool or technology, are not necessarily the people who are going to understand what the social impact of those inventions will be.

And so it is that you by reason of your tender regard for the writing that is your offspring have declared the very opposite of its true effect. If men learn this, it will implant forgetfulness in their souls. They will cease to exercise memory because they rely on that which is written, calling things to remembrance no longer from within themselves, but by means of external marks.

What you have discovered is a recipe not for memory, but for reminder. And it is no true wisdom that you offer your disciples, but only the semblance of wisdom, for by telling them of many things without teaching them you will make them seem to know much while for the most part they know nothing. And as men filled not with wisdom but with the conceit of wisdom they will be a burden to their fellows.

One thing we're not doing as effectively today as we've done in the past is to learn lessons by heart. If you don't know things with perfect recall, how can you expect to apply them?


Socrates goes on to compare a written text to a painting:

You know, Phaedrus, that is the strange thing about writing, which makes it truly correspond to painting. The painter's products stand before us as though they were alive. But if you question them, they maintain a most majestic silence. It is the same with written words. They seem to talk to you as though they were intelligent, but if you ask them anything about what they say from a desire to be instructed they go on telling just the same thing forever.

Socrates believed that writing was not an effective means of communicating knowledge. To him, face-to-face communication was the only way one person could transmit knowledge to another.

Oh the irony of having an argument against writing in a written text.

PLATO - Also an Excellent Platform to Design Games

Ted Nelson in his classic'Computer Lib / Dream Machines' included coverage of PLATO and PLATO's games as of 1974.He sounded excited about the platform and the already existing breadth of games, from board games to sophisticated multiplayer games.

The Computer Education Research Laboratory (CERL) at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, had installed terminals all over the United States and even some in other countries.All terminals on a system (network) connected to a mainframe over a 1200 baud line[1].Later, as more PLATO systems were installed around the world one could connect to those other systems.These terminals were graphic with 512x512 pixel resolution screen, touch panels, a rear-projected micro-fiche, and more.This was a totally different world from punched tape and cards.

One could interact with others by going into lessons (programs) that used shared memory ('common').Games used this 'common' for communicating between the players, including challenges/invitations to play and the moves of each player.The games in 1973 were all two-player games.The invitation to play against each other was done by showing a list of all players available and selecting one to challenge; since the names were showed on an electronic equivalent of a bulletin board, they became known as 'Big Board' games.

It was one thing to play against a computer, but something entirely different to play virtual players anywhere in the world[2].

Features of existing games on PLATO Spring 1973:

  • two-player, interterminal
  • Big Board coordinating
  • two-dimensional representations
  • single screen - space existed on what the screen could show and no more
  • Avatar was not a term used at that time, but some games allowed for an icon to represent a player; Even one's name could be represented in an iconic form by overlaying various characters.
  • fun, yet challenge soon diminished
  • icons indicating general direction; dogfight showed airplanes as single-character icons, with eight cardinal directions.

For the following table, I don't know the exact dates and order. These are my best recollections from notes I made in October 1975.I have also amended some entries based from notes by Dirk Pellett.

We have detailed a few games here, which may be selected fromthe table below or index on the right.

PLATO Games Through 1975
GameApproximate DateAuthorsFeatures
Spacewar Late 1960sRich BlommeBig Board. Two players.
Chess 1972?Big Board. Two players.
Moonwar 1972??Big Board. Two players.
Dogfight 1972??Big Board. Two players. Fly airplane around 2D airspace to shoot at opponent.
Backgammon 1972??Big Board. Two players.
EmpireMay 1973John Daleske2D single screen. Eight players each on a planet. Simulation of planets, growing economy and trade. Ships attack other planets. Renamed 'Conquest' and improved by Silas Warner 1974-1975
LIFE 1972???.
Darwin1 1972???.
Spasim 1974James Bowery3D first-person shooter. Multiple players. Nice graphics. Not very playable.
Nova 1974Pete Rowell and Al McNeil3D first-person. Multiple players. Detailed in Computer Lib and Dream Machines by Ted Nelson, 1974.
Airfight 1974?Brand Fortner3D first-person shooter. Fly airplanes to shoot down opponents. Two teams plus X-plane simulator. Multiple players. Predecessor to Flight Simulator.
dnd 1974-5?Gary Whisenhunt, Ray Wood2D first-person. Multiple players. Enhanced in 1977 by Dirk and Flint Pellet.
Trek 1975???.
SUBWAR 1975?Dave Dennis?.
DUNGEON 1975John Daleske3D first person maze. Multiple players. Incomplete. Predecessor to Moria.
Panzer 1975John Daleske / Derek Ward3D first person shooter. Tanks firing on each other. Multiple players. For Fort Knox School of Armor.
Empire 3D 1975John Daleske and Gary Fritz3D strategic and tactical sections. 150 players. Incomplete.
Galaxy 1975Gary Michael3D first-person. Multiple players. Incomplete.

Association of Game Authors

I'm not exactly sure when we started lesson -gchars-, but aroundthe end of 1974 we formed a loose association of game authors.We had an initial group and then added game authors over time.Following is a list from probably about mid to late 1976.

Is Plato And Game Pigeon The Same Thing As A

In the hope of making advanced simulation-type games an integral part of PLATO, the following game authors have agreed to share this lesson space cooperatively, and work together to solve the problems which confront the author interested in using the computer for primarily recreational purposes. These problems have their roots in political and educational issues as well as in the area of software and hardware support.

Is Plato And Game Pigeon The Same Thing

Socrates goes on to compare a written text to a painting:

You know, Phaedrus, that is the strange thing about writing, which makes it truly correspond to painting. The painter's products stand before us as though they were alive. But if you question them, they maintain a most majestic silence. It is the same with written words. They seem to talk to you as though they were intelligent, but if you ask them anything about what they say from a desire to be instructed they go on telling just the same thing forever.

Socrates believed that writing was not an effective means of communicating knowledge. To him, face-to-face communication was the only way one person could transmit knowledge to another.

Oh the irony of having an argument against writing in a written text.

PLATO - Also an Excellent Platform to Design Games

Ted Nelson in his classic'Computer Lib / Dream Machines' included coverage of PLATO and PLATO's games as of 1974.He sounded excited about the platform and the already existing breadth of games, from board games to sophisticated multiplayer games.

The Computer Education Research Laboratory (CERL) at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, had installed terminals all over the United States and even some in other countries.All terminals on a system (network) connected to a mainframe over a 1200 baud line[1].Later, as more PLATO systems were installed around the world one could connect to those other systems.These terminals were graphic with 512x512 pixel resolution screen, touch panels, a rear-projected micro-fiche, and more.This was a totally different world from punched tape and cards.

One could interact with others by going into lessons (programs) that used shared memory ('common').Games used this 'common' for communicating between the players, including challenges/invitations to play and the moves of each player.The games in 1973 were all two-player games.The invitation to play against each other was done by showing a list of all players available and selecting one to challenge; since the names were showed on an electronic equivalent of a bulletin board, they became known as 'Big Board' games.

It was one thing to play against a computer, but something entirely different to play virtual players anywhere in the world[2].

Features of existing games on PLATO Spring 1973:

  • two-player, interterminal
  • Big Board coordinating
  • two-dimensional representations
  • single screen - space existed on what the screen could show and no more
  • Avatar was not a term used at that time, but some games allowed for an icon to represent a player; Even one's name could be represented in an iconic form by overlaying various characters.
  • fun, yet challenge soon diminished
  • icons indicating general direction; dogfight showed airplanes as single-character icons, with eight cardinal directions.

For the following table, I don't know the exact dates and order. These are my best recollections from notes I made in October 1975.I have also amended some entries based from notes by Dirk Pellett.

We have detailed a few games here, which may be selected fromthe table below or index on the right.

PLATO Games Through 1975
GameApproximate DateAuthorsFeatures
Spacewar Late 1960sRich BlommeBig Board. Two players.
Chess 1972?Big Board. Two players.
Moonwar 1972??Big Board. Two players.
Dogfight 1972??Big Board. Two players. Fly airplane around 2D airspace to shoot at opponent.
Backgammon 1972??Big Board. Two players.
EmpireMay 1973John Daleske2D single screen. Eight players each on a planet. Simulation of planets, growing economy and trade. Ships attack other planets. Renamed 'Conquest' and improved by Silas Warner 1974-1975
LIFE 1972???.
Darwin1 1972???.
Spasim 1974James Bowery3D first-person shooter. Multiple players. Nice graphics. Not very playable.
Nova 1974Pete Rowell and Al McNeil3D first-person. Multiple players. Detailed in Computer Lib and Dream Machines by Ted Nelson, 1974.
Airfight 1974?Brand Fortner3D first-person shooter. Fly airplanes to shoot down opponents. Two teams plus X-plane simulator. Multiple players. Predecessor to Flight Simulator.
dnd 1974-5?Gary Whisenhunt, Ray Wood2D first-person. Multiple players. Enhanced in 1977 by Dirk and Flint Pellet.
Trek 1975???.
SUBWAR 1975?Dave Dennis?.
DUNGEON 1975John Daleske3D first person maze. Multiple players. Incomplete. Predecessor to Moria.
Panzer 1975John Daleske / Derek Ward3D first person shooter. Tanks firing on each other. Multiple players. For Fort Knox School of Armor.
Empire 3D 1975John Daleske and Gary Fritz3D strategic and tactical sections. 150 players. Incomplete.
Galaxy 1975Gary Michael3D first-person. Multiple players. Incomplete.

Association of Game Authors

I'm not exactly sure when we started lesson -gchars-, but aroundthe end of 1974 we formed a loose association of game authors.We had an initial group and then added game authors over time.Following is a list from probably about mid to late 1976.

Is Plato And Game Pigeon The Same Thing As A

In the hope of making advanced simulation-type games an integral part of PLATO, the following game authors have agreed to share this lesson space cooperatively, and work together to solve the problems which confront the author interested in using the computer for primarily recreational purposes. These problems have their roots in political and educational issues as well as in the area of software and hardware support.

Following is a list of authors that appeared below the statement; It is from probably about mid to late 1976.

Gary R. MichaelMichael BergerPeter W. RowellTom Grohne
Alan R. McNeilBob NorthAlex DimitriefSteve Stone
John DaleskeDave ArmstrongSilas WarnerBrand Fortner
Dave DennisBill RoperChuck MillerMark Nakada

We had severely limited development space and could potentiallylose the space; some did, though their games resurfaced under otheraccounts.

Is Plato And Game Pigeon The Same Thing Like

A 'character set' (charset) held a compressed, ready-to-send-to-the-terminal group of alternate characters for display, an early form of 'font'.The characters did not have to be some typeface, but could be used for anything; they were essential for fast game playing on a 1200 baud network.Each character represented an 8 x 16 grid of pixels, either on or off.Character sets took two blocks of space, but did not have to be 'in' the lesson.This freed up those two blocks for program space.

We set up lesson -gchars- to hold our character sets and, later, linesets. By 1976 it had six parts (7 blocks per part).One did not just use someone else's charset, but asked first.

Is Plato And Game Pigeon The Same Thing People

Lesson -gchars- has been restored on theCyber1 PLATO system.I made the Inspect code open to allow viewing.

[1]: A 1200 baud line would seem like a VERY slow dial-up line. Most dial-up connections now can go at least in the 20,000 baud range and often to 57,600 baud; between 20x and 48x.Your slowest DSL line would be over 300x faster.

[2]: Allow me a little hyperbole once in a while.

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